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Heal Your Closet

Discover How to Transform Your Wardrobe and Your Life with Clarity, Simplicity, and Self-Love…

Step into a World of Peace and Ease!



Your closet can often feel like a source of chaos and insecurity.

Though you may desire serenity, simplicity, and order in your life, it can feel difficult to create this inside a hectic closet..

Picture this:

You wake up, ready to face the day, but the moment you step into your closet, stress washes over you. You hear the nagging inner dialogue of “What am I going to wear?” pressing into your conscious awareness. The task of choosing an outfit is daunting, and the frustration of not being able to find your favorite shirt or a specific pair of socks is all too familiar — sometimes resulting in buying replacements or even duplicates. You feel like giving up, and putting on the same pair of sweats or leggings you’ve been living in.

This inner chaos spills into your daily life, preventing you from fully enjoying even the simplest pleasures, like going out for brunch or transitioning from work to an evening with loved ones. 

When you open your closet door, your inner critic awakens — the inner “mean girl" who questions your choices and creates self-doubt. 

Is this you?

A cluttered closet overwhelms your senses, making it difficult to see the potential hidden within. 

It whispers, "You can wear any of these items," but it's buried beneath piles of emotional and physical disarray. 

It's more than just an inconvenience; it can make you late and feel insecure for important events or super stressed when packing for a trip. Chaos in your closet leads to chaos in yourself and vice versa. 

For some, a cluttered closet may seem like an insurmountable problem—an energy drain, a time suck, an accepted defeat.

But here's the good news: No matter the size of your space or laundry pile, there is a solution.

Because whether you find solace in creating inner or outer peace, your closet holds the potential to be a sanctuary.

Before you can master the art of clearing clutter inside and out, you need to learn the basics of how to create order, declutter effectively, and reconnect with yourself...

It's empowering when you learn how to tune into what feels great about your style, and use this tool to tune into all other aspects of your life with intention, and fulfillment!

As you Heal Your Closet you will also learn to:

  • Effortlessly put together outfits that reflect your true essence and confidently step out into the world.

  • Transform your closet into a sanctuary, where every item has its place.

  • Release the burden of overwhelm and self-rejection caused by the shape and size of your body.

  • Go from feeling emotionally charged to happy and peaceful about your clothes and your space.

  • Embrace a sense of worthiness and self-love, knowing both you and your closet are dedicated supporters of your happiness & contented lifestyle.

  • Get rid of things that no longer serve you FREE of the guilt and stress.

Creating a harmonious relationship with your closet is about connecting with your inner and outer space in a strategic, intuitively-driven way.

We believe that everyone deserves to open their closet and feel satisfied, clear, and empowered. 

Which is why we teamed up as experts of internal + external organization to bring you this first-of-its-kind online experience, Heal Your Closet!


Heal Your Closet

A 9-Module organizing course designed to guide you through the emotional process of organizing your closet so you can rediscover your inner voice, transform your space, and experience harmony in your life.

This is an at-home study program, designed for you to enjoy at your own pace while you cultivate an environment that is supportive of your soul.

Learn to reclaim your closet and your inner peace for a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional organizer & coaching team. 

Writing the story was powerful for me and connected me to my mother’s patterns around acquiring clothes and dressing.
— Angie
⁠I had wanted to declutter my closet for a while but was making such slow progress on my own. I felt I needed more tools to get it done. If I took the time to take a course I felt it would be enough of a fire under my butt to take action.
— Melissa

The Course is Divided Into 9 Chapters:


  • Learn about the origin and purpose behind this system of clearing your clutter – physically and mentally.

  • Amy shares an overview of the purpose of Heal Your Closet, what you will be working on in this course, and the reason we chose to create our first course for the closet.

Clearing Internal Clutter

  • The internal organizing tools are a powerful set of resources that will aide you in your healing journey.

The Energy Toolbelt

  • In the three videos in this lesson Amy gives an overview of Energy Toolbelt and why this set of tools and techniques is a game changer for dealing with your stories– that programming that runs your show without you even thinking about it.

  • In this lesson Amy discusses what a story is in this context. How this story can control our conscious and subconscious mind.

  • Using The Energy Toolbelt allows us to unlock the new stories we want to be the program running in the background. With these resources we can begin to change our future.

  • Here are some questions to help you if you are having trouble finding the story.

  • Amy shares how to tackle your old story, and begin to implement your new story.

  • Amy shares how to add in The Release and Accept Scripts into your new and old stories.

  • Amy shares The Musical Sequences she created to assist in the healing modality.

  • Amy discusses how using The Energy Toolbelt, you can physically change the neural connections in your brain – changing your thought patterns.

EFT Tapping

  • In this lesson Rebecca explains that EFT Tapping helps us identify and release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs to help get us “unstuck”.

  • The following sessions were recorded to give you examples of people using Tapping to access and process emotions and stories attached to items from their closets.

  • Rebecca works with Bree to uncover hidden connections to a sentimental item - in this case a pair of red shorts.

  • Rebecca works with Bree to discuss the underlying reason that she is still keeping a jacket from her ex.

  • Kira and Rebecca talk about the emotions tied to a gifted item – even one that you may not want.

  • Jess talks about a jean skirt that she has been keeping around for too long.

Clearing External Clutter

  • Introduce your lesson with an optional, short summary. You can edit this excerpt in lesson settings.


  • Get ready to clear your closet! Here’s your to do list:

  • Amy discussed how to clear your closet, and how you can set yourself up for success.

  • Are you a little bit stressed out working through the Soul Check or your To-Process pile? In this video Amy shares how you can down-regulate your nervous system and feel a little calmer in just ten breaths.


  • Welcome to the magic of the Soul Check. This tool will help you know whether to keep something or let it go.

  • Are you feeling the feels? Don’t worry.

  • Are you a little bit stressed out working through the Soul Check or your To-Process pile? In this video Amy shares how you can down-regulate your nervous system and feel a little calmer in just ten breaths.

  • Rebecca explains how to use EFT Tapping and the Energy Toolbelt to clear emotional clutter.

  • Use these Musical Sequences for working through your To-Process Pile.

  • Amy shares tips and tricks for actually letting go of the items that do not bring you joy.


  • Remember, categorizing is easy. The shirts go with the shirts, and the socks go with the socks.


  • Amy shares her thoughts on containers, organization, and how to create your space.

  • Amy gives suggestions on what to do (and not to do) with items you are letting go.

  • Amy gives suggestions on how to accommodate additional items you love and do not want to let go but don’t fit in your space.

  • Here’s a step-by-step of how to reassemble your closet with your favorite items.

  • Amy gives step-by-step instructions on the popular “file-folding” style of folding preferred by many professional organizers.

  • Nice job doing the work to heal your closet and yourself!

Ready to get started? 

The mind and body are the tools of the soul, and as we align with our soul we are able to collaborate with our mind and body to create the peace and sense of empowerment we desire. 

Why "Heal Your Closet' is So Different From Many Of The Online Self-Help Courses Out There…

A rare blend of practical and soulful guidance for both your external and internal transformation, “Heal Your Closet” bridges the gap for you: the course recognizes and expands the profound connection between your external environment and internal well-being. 

The course offers a guided experience that goes beyond simply organizing your physical space into functional beauty: it nurtures your soul through mindful care and connection with your belongings & surroundings.

The 4 Pillars of Emotional, Energetic, and Practical Organization:

  1. Holistic: While other courses may address either the emotional or physical aspects, "Heal Your Closet" takes a holistic approach, acknowledging the interplay between our complex inner world and our external surroundings.

  2. Energetics: Unlike many decluttering courses that solely focus on organizing skills, “Heal Your Closet” integrates emotional intelligence and energetics tools. Recorded curations of EFT Tapping sessions by Rebecca guide you through emotional responses you may experience during the closet-cleaning journey, including navigating feelings of obligation, shame, sadness, anger or fear — that may arise from parting with certain clothes. “The Energetic Toolbelt” developed by Amy helps you release & rewrite past experiences locked in your closet — into a new paradigm of empowerment and joyful freedom. 

  3. Long-Term Impact: By delving into the underlying patterns and emotions associated with your wardrobe, "Heal Your Closet" aims for lasting change. Rather than offering temporary fixes, it equips you with tools such as “The 4 C’s” to maintain an organized closet and emotionally supportive inner atmosphere throughout your life.

  4. Dual Expertise: The program is a collaborative effort from two experts in external organization and internal well-being. Their dual expertise ensures a comprehensive understanding of how transforming your closet can lead to profound personal growth and freedom.

This Deep Dive Course Includes:

  • 9 Modules to learn at your own pace  

  • Musical sequences and sound frequencies to help release your emotional baggage while decluttering & rewriting your newly empowered journey

  • “Self Research” assignments that guide your closet-healing practices and help you implement your knowledge

  • A library of EFT Tapping examples to lead you through the emotional responses that can arise while addressing and clearing our private spaces

  • Four guided steps to process every item in your closet, aligning your possessions with what your soul actually wants to be wearing

Picture this:

You wake up, eager to embrace the day. Mornings are a breeze, because the moment you step into your closet, your true essence is reflected back to you. Your closet has transformed into your favorite place. 

The overwhelming burden of emotional and physical clutter has lifted from this space, leaving you with a sense of worthiness and self-love. Choosing an outfit is easy and fun, and finding your favorite shirt is effortless as every item in the space has its place and brings your soul joy.

This harmony extends beyond your closet, enriching your daily life. Simple pleasures like going out for gatherings, celebrations or transitioning from work to leisure to gym are sources of pure enjoyment. The harsh voice of your inner critic has been replaced with self-appreciation and assurance. 

You are expanding, freed from a daily task that has become an enriching act reminding you of your power to change whatever no longer serves you. 

This is you, completing your journey with Heal Your Closet.

Let us help you open the door and step toward peace and ease.


You wake up, eager to embrace the day. Mornings are a breeze, because the moment you step into your closet, your true essence is reflected back to you. Your closet has transformed into your favorite place. 

The overwhelming burden of emotional and physical clutter has lifted from this space, leaving you with a sense of worthiness and self-love. Choosing an outfit is easy and fun, and finding your favorite shirt is effortless as every item in the space has its place and brings your soul joy.

This harmony extends beyond your closet, enriching your daily life. Simple pleasures like going out for gatherings, celebrations or transitioning from work to leisure to gym are sources of pure enjoyment. The harsh voice of your inner critic has been replaced with self-appreciation and assurance. 

You are expanding, freed from a daily task that has become an enriching act reminding you of your power to change whatever no longer serves you. 

This is you, completing your journey with Heal Your Closet.

Let us help you open the door and step toward peace and ease.

Begin Now


About The Experts

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson is a trauma coach expert with 18 years of experience in the mental health field. She is passionate about utilizing creative, efficient, effective methods to uncover unconscious limiting beliefs and emotional blocks in order to return to a state of integration and wholeness. 

Rebecca specializes in innovating with healing technologies such as Breathwork, Somatic Movement, Sound and Frequency Healing, Inner Child Work, Internal Family Systems, Byron Katie's “The Work.” In addition to holding a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, she is a pioneer and world class expert of EFT/Tapping— one of her favorite modalities. 

She believes that we hold all the keys to healing within ourselves. 

She also truly believes in the power of psychedelic-assisted healing including ketamine, MDMA, and Iboga and is excited to see how things evolve in this arena through legalization in the United States. 

Alongside her professional pursuits, Rebecca has a love for history, poetry, and is known for her exceptional communication skills. She is fascinated with manifestation, and enjoys traveling, being a bad golfer, spending time outdoors, birds, flowers and  trees, bodies of water, sauna and cold plunging. She navigates raising her teenage son with determination and grit. Being his mom is one of the best things that has ever happened to her. 

She feels very lucky to have been reunited with the love of her life after a 23-year-long separation. She’s having fun (and grittiness) finally getting to implement all the things she’s learned over the years in order to build a solid relationship with him. 

Rebecca loves her two dogs, plants, and culture and craves beauty and order in her life. She is a self-proclaimed mixologist and foodie who seeks growth, adventure and novel experiences.

Amy Diviney

From the time she was young Amy had an interest in trying to contain her closet, which seemed to explode every morning as she got ready for school. (In fact, in junior high while trying to combat the chaos, she gathered all of her sweaters into gallon-size Ziplock bags, and stacked them on a closet shelf, which they promptly slipped off.) 

Since that time Amy has experienced the entire gamut of organizing: being a homeschooling mom, downsizing to enable her family to return to school, and leaving everything behind to embody minimalism while living in an open air house with her family at the edge of a rainforest in a developing nation. 

 She took each of these organizing challenges head-on and she became a Professional Organizer. 

It has been enlightening for Amy to empathically feel people’s emotions come up while they are sorting through their belongings. Sometimes it hits her like a wave, before she can even see it on a person’s face, and she holds the space for them to express these emotions as they come up and out. 

Through this process, Amy realized that emotions are attached to belongings. Sorting through emotions and belongings together, Amy and Rebecca realized the time was ripe for a new kind of program, one that gives people tools to consciously process their emotions while they organize their space. Viola! Heal Your Space was born. 

Their flagship program, Heal Your Closet, utilizes the opportunity that decluttering naturally provides to explore the hidden emotions and stories attached to belongings and bring them up into the light where they can be healed. 

Amy loves to surround herself with environments, people and belongings that bring her joy. While no longer a minimalist, she still adores clean lines and open, clutter-free spaces. 

In her free time she loves to sing, play the piano and read. Playing music with others really lights her up. Every day she takes time to be still by the river and listen to the inspiration there.