About Heal Your Closet

Check out the course that started
it all for this dynamic duo.

Through their own transformative journeys, they have created something truly healing.

Who We Are

Rebecca was Amy’s transformation coach. Amy was Rebecca’s professional organizer.

They worked with each other for years through several home moves along with many other ups and downs. One day they decided to have a business collaboration meeting to share ideas. Like magic, they realized the combination of their talents and skills in a program was the cutting-edge combination the world needed.

That began the creation of a holistic approach, with their specialties naturally supporting each other, cultivating peace in the inner and outer worlds of clients. The program ‘Heal Your Space’ was born.

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson is a trauma coach expert with 18 years of experience in the mental health field. She is passionate about utilizing creative, efficient, effective methods to uncover unconscious limiting beliefs and emotional blocks in order to return to a state of integration and wholeness.

Rebecca specializes in innovating with healing technologies such as Breathwork, Somatic Movement, Sound and Frequency Healing, Inner Child Work, Internal Family Systems, Byron Katie's “The Work.” In addition to holding a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy—She is a pioneer and world class expert of EFT/Tapping— one of her favorite modalities.

She believes that we hold all the keys to healing within ourselves.

She also truly believes in the power of psychedelic assisted healing including ketamine, MDMA, and Iboga and is excited to see how things evolve in this arena thru legalization in the US.

Alongside her professional pursuits, Rebecca has a love for history, poetry, and is known for her exceptional communication skills. She is fascinated with manifestation, and enjoys traveling, being a bad golfer, spending time outdoors, birds, flowers and trees, bodies of water, sauna and cold plunging. She navigates raising her teenage son with determination and grit. Being his mom is one of the best things that has ever happened to her.

She feels very lucky to have been reunited with the love of her life after a 23 year long separation. She’s having fun (and grittiness) finally getting to implement all the things she’s learned over the years in order to build a solid relationship with him.

Rebecca loves her two dogs, plants, and culture and craves beauty and order in her life. She is a self-proclaimed mixologist and foodie who seeks growth, adventure and novel experiences.

Amy Diviney

From the time she was young Amy had an interest in trying to contain her closet, which seemed to explode every morning as she got ready for school. (In fact, in junior high while trying to combat the chaos, she gathered all of her sweaters into gallon-size Ziplock bags, and stacked them on a closet shelf, which they promptly slipped off.) 

Since that time Amy has experienced the entire gamut of organizing: being a homeschooling mom, downsizing to enable her family to return to school, and leaving everything behind to embody minimalism while living in an open air house with her family at the edge of a rainforest in a developing nation. 

 She took each of these organizing challenges head-on and she became a Professional Organizer. 

It has been enlightening for Amy to empathically feel people’s emotions come up while they are sorting through their belongings. Sometimes it hits her like a wave, before she can even see it on a person’s face, and she holds the space for them to express these emotions as they come up and out. 

Through this process, Amy realized that emotions are attached to belongings. Sorting through emotions and belongings together, Amy and Rebecca realized the time was ripe for a new kind of program, one that gives people tools to consciously process their emotions while they organize their space. Viola! Heal Your Space was born. 

Their flagship program, Heal Your Closet, utilizes the opportunity that decluttering naturally provides to explore the hidden emotions and stories attached to belongings and bring them up into the light where they can be healed. 

Amy loves to surround herself with environments, people and belongings that bring her joy. While no longer a minimalist, she still adores clean lines and open, clutter-free spaces. 

In her free time she loves to sing, play the piano and read. Playing music with others really lights her up. Every day she takes time to be still by the river and listen to the inspiration there.